Games week Berlin

Added by: Veli Laamanen /


Berlin, a city which combines well-behaved anarchy to modern culture in a way that makes even mailboxes look like art. Nice place to visit. This time we went there with my partner-in-crime Juha. It was Berlin games week and city was full of events. We had two main events to attend; AppsWorld and Quo Vadis.
Veli: I was presenting our game Shadow Bug in Appsworld and it was great. We got great bundle of new contacts and huge amount of positive and valuable feedback. The event was supposed to have over 5k visitors but I believe there was only like 2000 instead. It was held in City Cube Berlin; a huge convention center which made the event 
look rather empty. Perhaps it was because of the all other cool events happening in the town.
My AppsWorld highlight was when an Indian big shot was trying to pursue me to move to India to teach game
 designing in his IT company (probably one of those your-man-from-india things). With all this game design (close to none) background I am sure it would have been rather interesting experience but I decided to decline the generous offer in the end.
Juha: While Veli was at Appsworld I was hanging around at Quo Vadis. Another game event at Berlin Games Week. Quo
Vadis seems to mean “Where do you go?” The whole event’s theme is the future of games industry. So there were
 speakers talking about it. But not so many in the end. There were lectures about indie game development and things 
considering that topic quite a bit which was of course interesting. Also they sold black and blue chips that you 
could use to buy water, beer and sausages with. Not even mad. The sun was shining quite a lot so actually had to 
spend quite many black chips for refreshing beer. Also they had gin tonics for free on a certain time of the day.
Not even bad. There were also quite many students showing their games. Saw quite many good games there!
 We found more games in the Amaze opening party, which was free! Seemed like there were more experimental and artsy
 games presented. What ya say Bro?
Veli: Amaze was great! That was the event where indie developers actually connect. I like promoting our game in any
event but getting feedback from gamer enthusiasts is a huge bonus. Plus almost everybody were comfortable drunk
in the evening time and I didn’t mind joining them.


Oh, rough trip. I slept 18h when got back to my own bed.